
This is the most devastating collapse you'll ever see on a football field

December 03, 2020

By now, we should have learned that no football game is "over" until it's truly over, like final whistle over. "The Minneapolis Miracle," the "trouble with the snap" Michigan-Michigan State game, the Western Michigan fake spike game from earlier this year. These were all declared over until they weren't. 

Apparently, we have not learned our lesson. Check out this tweet from @ChristinaWBRC, who we are sure is an excellent reporter: 

Christina was referring to Auburn High School, which had a nine-point lead over Thompson with just 28 seconds remaining in the Alabama 7A State Championship on Wednesday night. In football, at any level, a nine-point lead with 28 ticks on the clock is about as over as it gets. We don't blame her, or anyone on scene at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa on Wednesday, for sticking a fork in Thompson. Hell, Auburn was celebrating on the sideline before the game was over:

That turned out to be a BIG mistake. On fourth down at midfield, Auburn decided to punt it away, and it was blocked and returned for a touchdown by Thompson: 

Now down 28-26 after the extra point, Thompson needed to recover an onside kick and get into field goal range with just 18 seconds remaining. Basically impossi—OH MY GOD:  

Unbelievable. Auburn's hands team went full Atlanta Falcons, only it's a little more understandable when it's a few nervous-as-hell high school kids in what could be the last game of their lives. It got far worse from there for Auburn. Three plays and two defensive pass interference calls later, Thompson was in field goal range and kicked the game winner as time expired. Good grief:

Pain. Pure and utter pain. To add insult to injury for Auburn, Scott Van Pelt led Sportcenter with it late Wednesday night for the world to see:

Ooooofa. What an incredibly brutal night for those poor Auburn kids. Guess the moral of the story is to never quit, it ain't over 'til it's over, and all that other mumbo jumbo that's only relevant in insane situations like this one.