What tees should I play from? How do I find other women to play with? Your questions, answered

July 06, 2023


The questions keep coming, so we have another Golf Digest Woman Mailbag for you this week with Golf Digest contributing editor Hally Leadbetter.

After scrolling through the dozens of questions from Golf Digest readers, Leadbetter was excited to jump in and answer as many as she could.

“This feedback is incredible!” she said.

Below, Leadbetter shares some first-hand wisdom.

Should women play from ‘their’ tee box?

Leadbetter, a former Division I golfer and plus-handicap, doesn't often play the forward tees. That doesn't mean you need to play back as well. She says it all comes down to one question: Where will you have the most fun?

“If you’re not feeling 6,500 yards, move it on up. If you just shot your personal best from the forward tees, back it on back,” Leadbetter says, “As long as you’re not holding up play, it doesn’t matter what tees you play from.”

How can I find other beginner golfers to join?

“Social media is such a powerful tool to find like-minded golfers,” Leadbetter says.

Of course, posting on your social media or using your own networkis great for finding potential playing partners, but another fantastic tool is to go to

“Abby Liebenthal, the CEO of Fore the Ladies, has been aggregating contact information of women across the country looking for others to tee it up with,” Leadbetter says.

The Fore the Ladies group also has an array of events that you can sign up for to meet other women in the area who are also interested in golf. From women’s golf trips to golf instruction clinics to a 9-hole happy hour, Fore the Ladies has you covered!

I’m still learning. Should I take golf lessons?

“When you’re learning the game, setting the stage with good fundamentals will save you so much time down the road,” Leadbetter says.

You can ask a friend to take a look at your swing, but Leadbetter says that there’s nothing more valuable than booking time with a teaching pro. They’ll help you get on track with good posture, a good grip and good alignment, Leadbetter says.

A teaching pro will also give you the keys to understanding the tendencies of your swing, keep you from making common mistakes and help you get better overall, Leadbetter says.

“And that’s part of the fun,” Leadbetter says.

You can find the best teachers in your state here.