
Greg Norman

July 21, 2008

Frank and Denny Allen of San Antonio send a comment I'm surprised we haven't heard more often this week, at home, on the web or in the press.


We applaud Greg Norman's Cinderella story of almost winning the British Open Championship at the age of 53. However, the media's love affair of his recent marriage to Chris Everett is sickening. Has the media forgotten that Greg and Chris were engaged in a relationship as married couples less than two years ago and the ink is barely dry on their divorce decrees? Maybe my wife and I are old fashioned, but we find their behavior despicable. Shame on the new "Normans" and shame on the media.>


We in the media do "move on" very quickly when it comes to divorce and re-marriage don't we? Perhaps one of the reasons is our divorce rate is at least as high as the folks we cover.

--Bob Carney