Can't Teach Clutch

Guy hits one over clubhouse to 15 feet on 18th hole of club championship, delivers shot of the year (and maybe the century)

August 30, 2023

Club championship season is in full swing. At clubs all across this great golf-loving nation, hopeless hacks and weekend warriors are squaring off for the right to be named the biggest fish in the littlest pond. The stakes are high and the pressure intense. This is the time of year that separates the adults from the itty bitty little babies, and judging by this incredible recovery shot that went viral on Tuesday, this man is one of the grown ups.

All-square on the 18th hole of his club championship, and this is his leave. It doesn’t take Zinger to tell us that’s where you don’t want to be. But while most mere mortals would opt for the punch out and settle for second, this guy went for glory. Boy did he find it.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, there’s a few armchair haters in the comments. They’re more interested in how bad the previous shot was than how good this one was. They’re more concerned with the form than the result. But watch him execute with a crowd of buzzed idiots surrounding him, phones out and clubhouse windows fully in play. You can’t teach clutch. It’s like webbed toes. You’re either born with it or you’re not.

We don’t know if Mr. Pink Shorts (another bold choice) went on to sink his putt and etch himself into club history for eternity, but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade, and this spade is one of the greatest shots we’ve seen all year.