KD Gonna KD

Kevin Durant calls out Jay Williams for fake news on Twitter AND Instagram, is very much back

June 08, 2021

Outside of feuding with an F-list actor/D-list podcaster, it feels like ages since we've had a truly great Kevin Durant social media saga. One we can really sink our teeth in to. Part of that was because he was out with his injury for so long, but the other part was that he just hadn't truly mixed it up in a while.

If Monday and Tuesday are an indication, easymoneysniper is very much back. First, there was a semi-NSFW story of him, allegedly, bringing a "backup girl" on a date with a former "adult film star" and less than 24 hours later he's coming for the neck of Jay Williams, the legendary Duke point guard turned Chicago Bull turned ESPN analyst.

It started, as most sports social media sagas do these days, with a hot take on the hot-take morning show du jour, though this was less of a hot take and more of a seemingly great behind-the-scenes story from a former NBA player. Williams claimed on ESPN's unwatchable "Get Up" program that a few years back at a holiday party, Durant approached him and told him never to compare him to Giannis Antetokounmpo, which Williams had apparently done during a segment on the same show: 

To be very to Williams, this seems like a very plausible story. Durant is notoriously sensitive, but also not afraid to confront someone like Williams in public or on social media about something that has irked him. Anyone who heard this story live probably nodded and said "yup, that's sounds like Kevin Durant to me!" 

Au contraire, says KD, who commented on Instagram post that highlighted Williams' story as only mad-online-KD can. 

"This is a f---ing lie," wrote Durant. "Jay Williams can NEVER speak for me, ever..." 

In even more vintage KD fashion, he retweeted a tweet of that exact exchange, complete with the screenshots:

Minutes later, after collecting his thoughts, Durant used up nearly all 240 characters to seemingly call out Williams again, this time on a different social media app:

He doesn't mention Williams by name here, but it feels safe to assume that's who he is referring to considering Williams referencing a story about Giannis comparisons and discussing KD's legacy. Then again, a lot of folks were discussing KD's legacy in a good way when news of the "backup girl" came out on Monday, so it could be that too, but it's probably not. Either way, KD is very much back on the court and even more back behind the screen.