
(No) Update On Erin Hills

February 15, 2010

There really isn't one, other than on Feb. 6, surrounded by the comfy confines of Pinehurst, the USGA's Executive Committee did NOT vote Erin Hills the host of the 2017 U.S. Open. The good news is: they didn't vote. Lord knows they had enough going on: the unpopular groove rule, the popular Michael Whan (the new Commissioner of the LPGA) and the introduction of Jim Hyler (the USGA's new President), who's pouch of popularity currently sits in the drawer of limbo.

On the subject of the Open venue, seven years from now, that's also in limbo, at least until June, when the USGA will make the official announcement the week of the Open at Pebble Beach.

I'm told by several sources that the USGA asked another potential 2017 venue for "more information." I'm guessing this is Cog Hill and I'm also guessing that if Cog Hill is to be considered, that venue needs to guarantee that local politicians and the police will completely cooperate with necessary road closures and various forms of mass transportation in and out of Chicago proper. (It's a blog, I can do some educated guessing.)

And while I'm at it, I think the USGA is going to demand so much from Cog Hill that they can't possibly deliver, therefore, Erin Hills wins.

Only a little more time will tell.

--Matty G.

Click here to read my recent Golf World cover story about Bob Lang (former owner of Erin Hills) and more about the golf course in Wisconsin.