
Somehow we collectively missed Mark Ruffalo spoiling the Avengers: Infinity War ending nine months ago

May 02, 2018

How did we miss this? Seriously, how—in an era where TV and movie build-ups have gotten so out of hand that writers consume entire novels just to decode the meaning of a character's tattoo—did we miss this nugget? Forget misconstrued as a red herring; no one even remotely brought this up. And it was right in front of us the entire time.

"It" being this Avengers: Infinity War reveal from star Mark Ruffalo:

Look at Don Cheadle's face! His "The f*** you doing man?" expression deserves its own three-picture MCU deal. As it should be, considering...


...Ruffalo gave away the film's exact ending. Of course, only a moron believes all the heroes that perished at the hands of Thanos are really gone. Not only is there another Avengers movie in the pipeline, but most of the departed stars have sequels in the works. (And "Black Panther 2: R.I.P. T'Challa" and "Spiderman: Still Dead" would be tough sells.) Still, the question remains: how did everyone in the galaxy miss this?

Lesson of this story: celebrities can scratch "Good Morning America" off their future media stops. Because, apparently, no one watches that shit.