
Tennessee point guard's NBA Draft party goes from extremely somber to absolutely LIT in a matter of seconds

June 21, 2019
Iowa v Tennessee


Thanks to television, NBA and NFL Draft nights have become incredible slogs. Three hours to announce of bunch of names sounds about as exciting as your cousin's graduation, yet people continue to watch. Now just imagine what it's like for the players who are waiting for their names to be called, specifically the ones who don't go at the top of the draft.

On Thursday night, Tennessee point guard Jordan Bone had to wait, wait and wait some more. He had to wait so long that it became apparent his name wasn't going to be called. There are only 60 picks in the NBA Draft, two rounds total, and 56 picks had already been made. Bone, who threw a NBA Draft party with family and friends ready to celebrate, accepted his fate, as did older brother Josh, a former player at Tennessee. Josh, hoping to lighten the mood, grabbed the microphone to say a few words.

"You know I got to put my two cents in, it's little bro" said Josh, adding, "I'm hurt right now, I'm probably more hurt than he is. Well, I doubt it, but, umm, hey man, from this day forward if you were in this room outside y'all and the people that..."

Before Josh could finish his train of thought, a friend could be heard yelling "SHOOT," and another friend could also be heard saying "you just got drafted!" as Bone's name came across the projector screen. He had been selected by the New Orleans Pelicans with the 57th pick. What was an extremely somber scene turned in to an all-out dog pile on top of Jordan, making for one of the best videos of NBA Draft night:

Can you say ... LIT. What a cool moment for Jordan and all his family and friends. Happiest person of all had to be Josh, not only for his brother, but for the fact he didn't have to finish that sad speech.

Later in the night, Bone was traded twice, first to the Atlanta Hawks and finally to the Detroit Pistons. We wish him all the luck in the world, and we hope someone's filming his family and friends when first checks in to an NBA game.