
Watch this kid somehow replicate Matthew Wolff's swing ... in front of Matthew Wolff

June 04, 2019

Among the many words that have been used to describe Oklahoma State star Matthew Wolff's golf swing, "unique" and "unusual" are the two that come up the most. His move is one that you can't really replicate, or so we thought.

In a video posted to Instagram by swing guru George Gankas, who has been coaching Wolff since he was in high school, a young kid named Jackson did actually replicate Wolff's move, right down to the pre-swing shift toward the target. The best part? Wolff was standing right behind Jackson and watching it. Here's the video:

It's not identical, obviously, but it's pretty damn close. Here's video of Wolff hitting an iron on the range Gankas posted soon after:

And Wolff hitting driver on that same range last August:

Jackson's certainly on the right track, and judging by Wolff's reaction (not sure what it is he's saying), he approves.