
You rate the Open coverage

July 20, 2009

Was I the only one who grew weary of the precious, soul-of-golf promos that ran all weekend, seemingly in and out of every break? Or, the only one who began to confuse the commercials--Rolex's was great--with the "editorial" previews? (I found myself asking, Was that of an ad for Turnberry Resort or the lead-in to the coverage?) The answer, apparently, is, I wasn't the only one confused or worn out by these "feel" pieces. Your comments on ABC's coverage reflect similar views, along with an assortment of comments about the team--some kind, some not so. Your take on the commentary ranged from "at least it wasn't Johnny Miller" to "shut up!"

__Dear Editor, I am glad to see the end of TNT, their coverage was awful from Turnberry. If The Masters do 58 minutes of action from each hour then TNT seemed to do 2 minutes of action and 58 minutes of endless chat, "essays" and adverts. Sounds like the commentators and other hangers on had a good time, pity we didn't see any golf....hope ESPN put focus back on the action and have more cameras than the two TNT seemed to have... Norman Sterling>

Milton, GA __


Dear Editor, >

Is it too much to ask for ABC come on during the weekend and show some >

live golf during the first half-hour of coverage? Instead, we are >

given information that everyone watching already knew. We tune in to >

watch golf, so please show it!


Rob Kowalski

Dallas, TX


Dear Editor:>

ABC's coverage of the Open golf tournament on Sunday underscores why they were chosen to telecast only a few tournaments each year. It took 45 minutes for the viewers to see a live shot. The entire first hour was anything but tournament coverage. They showed a few shots on tape, but the rest of the time was spent with their usual penchant for overhyping the history the course, and the favorite, and watching Tom Watson hit practice shots. Without Tiger, ABC was fortunate that Tom gave them something to attract a larger viewing audience. However, they greatly overdid it. Viewers who are serious golfers disdain this kind of TV coverage. They had an excellent opportunity to show some live shots of others who made the cut so that viewers' could see their favorite participants, not a travelog or a Watson love-in. It was ridiculous. Thank goodness ABC telecasts minimal tournaments during the course of the year. Let's hear it for CBS and NBC who understand why viewers tune in, and not out.>

Clyde Smith>

Sea Island, GA



Dear Editor,>

After viewing the Open Championship with my TV remote on mute 80% of the time I would like to suggest to the execs of our major networks that they tune in the European Tour events on the Golf Channel to hear announcers talking about golf. Judy Rankin and Andy North were all we needed,the rest should have stayed home. Thank you.


Al Stirling

Longwood, FL


Dear Editor,>

It is likely that you are inundated with emails about the surreal experience those of us who adore watching golf were able to experience this past Sunday. Notwithstanding the criticism those with narrow vision may considering meting on Watson, one could easily argue credibly that his was the most formidable sports performance ever. Were it not for an unlucky bounce on the 18th green we would have witnessed a result that would be on everyone's top ten outcomes in all of sports history. It still should be!>

Michael Auerbach>

Phoenix, MD


__Dear Editor,>

Those that question whether golf is truly a gentleman's game need only to witness the demeanor of Tom Watson during the final round of the Open. In losing he was the penultimate example of grace, class and humility. Well done, sir.>

Randall Jeffery>

Windermere, FL__

__Dear Editor,>

Kudos to the commentators of TNT & ABC on the coverage of "The Open". They explained the nuances of links golf and the options players faced in shot selection. What a difference from the negative comments of the insipid Johnny Miller.__

Sue De Voe

Sisters, OR

__Dear Editor,>

I enjoyed the Open for two reasons: Tom Watson's run for the title and the fact I didn't have to listen to the rants of Johnny Miller, the most overrated and annoying commentator on television.>

Tom Vandenberg>

Kalamazoo MI__

__Dear Editor,>

Why would Rick Reilly, doing a final piece thanking Tom Watson on ABC sunday , take a shot at Tiger, pretty much saying he is not a gentleman? We can take it a step further, and question why ABC would allow it to be aired. This was way out of line!__

Lew Sypher

Rotonda West, FL

It was a different kind of golf telecast for many reasons, beginning with the oh-so-promoted Scottish venue and the free-agent-style broadcast team (Weiskopf, Strange, Reilly, et al.) to surprises like the 16-year-old Italian amateur, the enduring saga of our 59-year-old leading man, the absence over the weekend of the world No. 1, and the fact that he was even taken to task for his behavior before he left. A Watson victory, one thinks, would have transformed these disparate elements into an unforgettable collage. As it was, for me anyway, the pieces remain separate, unglued, and perhaps your comments reflect that.

--Bob Carney